백준(Python) 풀이/수학

백준(Python) 11104번 Fridge of Your Dreams 풀이

개발윗미 2021. 11. 14. 12:06

Python으로 구현한 11104번 Fridge of Your Dreams 문제 풀이입니다.




11104번: Fridge of Your Dreams

Eirik drinks a lot of Bingo Cola to help him program faster, and over the years he has burned many unnecessary calories walking all the way to the kitchen to get some. To avoid this he has just bought a small fridge, which is beautifully placed next to his


t = int(input())

for _ in range(t) :
  n = input()
  print(int(n, 2))


1. 입력받은 이진수 값에 대하여 10진수로 변환하여 출력한다.